Update of HOA's Lawsuit.
Some of you already know that the HOA is suing Gus Philpott (me) and trying to shut me up. I've been writing this blog since July 20, 2020.
In August the HOA's attorney sent me a Cease and Desist Letter, threatening me with legal action if I didn't stop making "false accusations" and if I didn't stop "harassing the Association, its board members and representatives.
I contacted the lawyer for details, and he refused to provide them, saying, "you are not a member of the association and therefore I am under no obligation to resond to you."
The HOA filed a Summons and Complaint in Richland County Court of Common Pleas (Fifth Judicial District) on December 30, 2024, and I was served on January 14. Then I received a Notice of Hearing in the mail for the the HOA's Motion for Temporary Restraining Order.
The lawyer's office neglected to provide details, but I learned to details from the legal documents filed by the HOA.
On Tuesday, February 11th, at 2:00PM the party begins in Courtroom 2-C at 1701 Main St., downtown Columbia.
What am I doing? Last Monday I filed a Motion to Dismiss the entire case. Today I filed two more Motions - one to remove the attorney and the second to remove Danny Trapp.
Stay tuned for more information.
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