Does the HOA Realize Its Obligation?

Does the the Board of Directors realize that, if it would just comply with its own By-Laws, they'd never hear a negative peep out of me?

If they'd show respect and proper regard for the By-Laws by directing the chair of the (HOA's) Neighborhood Committee to assist 27 Neighborhoods in holding Neighborhood Meetings, getting a quorum there, conducting Neighborhood elections of Neighborhood Committees, and duly-electing Voting Members, I'd slow down.

But they don't. The Board tolerates, even endorses, the scheme of "getting signatures" to be recognized as a "Voting Member". They know that's not legitimate, but they allow it, anyway.

And then, on February 4th, they listened to the chair of the (HOA's) Neighborhood Committee present a possible scheme of electing "Voting Members" by e-mail. 

There is one way, and one way only, of electing a Voting Member, and it's right in the By-Laws. 


The attorney represents, and is paid by, the HOA; i.e., out of the dues collected from Members of the Association. The attorney does not represent the Board of Directors or the officers. 

I would be glad to work with the lawyer(s). I offered help, assistance, knowledge, time to the Board and knew how to get legitimate Voting Members in all the Neighborhoods within 60-90 days. One board member said, "Not interested." Not for free and not for pay.

So now the board is spending more money on the lawyers than it would have cost to get legitimate Voting Members in place. Does it even know how much it is spending?

The HOA cannot amend the CC&Rs or the By-Laws, because they is only one (1) duly-elected (legitimate) Voting Member, and she represents the 78 homeowners in Barony Place (I & II).

If the Board tries to amend the CC&Rs and the By-Laws by allowing "recognized", but illegitimate "Voting Members" to vote, then 2,400 homeowners ought to sue the HOA and the directors individually for failing to comply with the CC&Rs and By-Laws.


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