Procedures Reference Manual (PRM)

Another dry day at the falls

The Procedures Reference Manual (PRM) contains a wealth of information. It guides (well, should guide) the Board of Directors and Property Manager in operating the Association within the CC&Rs and the By-Laws.

The PRM explains how to do many things. Do Board Members ever read it?

For example, Art. II, A, §2c reads, 

"An agenda for the Board meetings with all backup [sic] materials is emailed to the Board and the Voting Members by the Property Manager at least ten (10) days in advance of each meeting. The agenda generally includes the approval of the last meeting's minutes, financial review, new business and any old business from previous meetings."

For years the New Business and Old Business sections of the agenda have not been used. The result is New Business is not identified before the meeting and Old Business is lost and seldom gets completed. Because Old Business is not carried forward, it's a case of "out of sight, out of mind".

For how many years have the waterfalls at the Clemson Road entrance been in need of permanent repair. Far, far too long. Questions at Board meetings get vague answers month after month. 


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