How Much Is It Costing the HOA (you) To Sue Gus?
And where is the money coming from?
How much did it cost the HOA to have its lawyer send Gus Philpott (me) a Cease and Desist Letter on August 28, 2024, threatening legal action?
I knew then it was toothless, because I had read the CC&Rs, especially Article XIII, Section 10 Litigation. Did Danny Trapp read the CC&Rs? Did the attorney read the CC&Rs?
The HOA paid $4,640.78 for Legal and Professional Fees in August 2024; the monthly budget was $1,250. But the cost of that Letter was probably not in the August payment.
In September the HOA paid the law firm $2,510.60; the monthly budget was $1,250.
The really big outlay will be for the legal actions started on December 30, 2024.
It (the HOA and its President, Danny Trapp) is trying to shut me up. Or shut me down.
Is that how you want the HOA spending your money?
If the HOA had a strong, responsible Board, would this be happening? There are seven on the Board. Each should be making thoughtful, independent decisions. It doesn't look like that when they vote at Board meetings.
If one member of the Board wants to go charging off in his own direction, the other six don't have to follow. They can stop him by making a Motion for what they want to happen (or not to happen), and then they can vote 6-0. That will stop him in his tracks.
I shall keep writing about the illegitimate officers of the HOA and the illegitimate directors and the illegitimate Voting Members, until they fix it by supporting Neighborhoods to hold meetings and elections. It's the only way you, the homeowner, gets a legitimate Neighborhood Representative and Voting Member!
Wouldn't it better for the Board to just start following the rules? Just comply with the By-Laws (and the CC&Rs and the PRM). That's what all the Boards should have been doing for years!
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