And the Winner is _______?

In a contest for most-interesting HOA website in South Carolina, where would the website for the Summit's HOA rank?

Probably dead last.

Check out these fascinating spots on


Same banner photo for about four years!

"Our community website was developed to serve as an informative and interactive resource for both our neighborhoods and our local community."

Informative? Interactive? Seriously?

"If you live in The Summit, be sure to Register to have full access to the 'Neighbor's Only' sections."

FALSE. I live in The Summit, and I registered. Then my registration was canceled, effectively blocking me from much information on the website. The BOD doesn't like people who ask too many questions about non-compliance with the By-Laws and errors in the financials.  

"Lets [sic] enjoy and have fun with this website."

Your HOA Board of Directors

This information is not listed on the website. The names, photos, biographical information, and contact information should be listed for directors, including the dates for their terms-of-office, should be listed.

Neighborhood News

No "news" is there, just rules and regulations

Wait! The report of the March 5, 2020 Safety Committee meeting is published there. Good! That's only 3½ years old.


No surveys. None listed for a long time.

Public Service Announcements

RCSD Crime Report (incomplete) for 3/14/22 - 5/27/22

Where is the information about the Summit Parkway re-paving project?

Upcoming Events

None listed (ever)


Nothing listed here.


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