Countdown to (HOA) Election Day

One week to go, until the secret of the year is revealed. Election Day is November 7.

Who are the nominees for director selected by the Nominating Committee?

Not only are the names a big secret, so is the process. How can a homeowner encourage his Voting Member to vote for a certain candidate, if the membership isn't told who the candidates are?

You'd think the process would be described in an easy-to-find spot on the HOA's website or in a special edition of The Summit Scoop. Not so!

Are the four incumbents running for re-election?

Have any Members of the Summit been successful in breaking into the inner group? 

What are the requirements? Here is the guideline for the Nominating Committee. Do you think they are measuring candidates, including incumbents, against this standard? 

"Candidates will be of the highest caliber, selected for interpersonal skills, dedication to the betterment of our Association and community, and free of any personal agenda"

 Source: Nominating Committee mission (HOA website)

Reminder: Homeowners do not elect directors. Directors are elected by "Voting Members", if there are any legitimate ones.

Will even one Voting Member survey his Neighborhood regarding the candidates for election to the Board?


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