Remove the Pergola?

Should the pergola at Summit Parkway and Summit Ridge Drive be permanently removed?

How many Summit homeowners and residents don't pay any attention to it, as they drive by? Or do notice it and think to themselves, "What the heck is that?"

Certainly, no one sits under it and enjoys the traffic speeding by. There is no parking nearby. With the frequency of crashes, you'd take your life in your hands to stand or sit under the roof.

Should it be restored to its "former glory", as described in Friday's email from the HOA? Was its destruction "truly unimaginable"? Is it a "community landmark"? Do you feel a "sense of pride" about it? (All that literary garbage came from the HOA's message on Friday.)

If you think it should be sent to the junkyard, contact the HOA office immediately and ask that they inform the board of your opinion. And attend the November 7th board meeting and make your comment there.


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