Pinestraw - the new landscaping model

An email was sent out to some Barony Place II homeowners this morning that reads, "The shrubs the [sic] surrounding the pillars at the entrance to the Circle are being removed for safety and esthetic reasons."

By the time that email was sent out, the shrubs HAD BEEN removed.

So, a few questions.

Who determined that the shrubs were a "safety and esthetic" condition?

Was that decision made by the HOA? By a committee of the HOA? By one person?

Where was the Barony Place Voting Member? Why wasn't she keeping an eye on the beauty of her Neighborhood? Was she informed in advance of the removal?

Why weren't the homeowners in Barony Place II consulted? Why weren't they given an opportunity to comment, before the shrubs were removed? 

Exactly what "safety" issue was there? The shrubs did encroach slightly on the street by the Stop sign, but it was not a big deal. There was plenty of room for a car to stop at the Stop sign and be nowhere near the middle of the street.

And esthetics? The corner was much more attractive with the shrubs that it is now that they have been removed. Now the corner looks bare.

Pinestraw is NOT an acceptable landscaping scheme.

Remember when the beautiful mature tree was removed? One day, without notice to the homeowners in Barony Place II, that tree was removed, and the corner has looked naked ever sense.

Homeowners should demand notice from the HOA and the Voting Member before changes are made. 

The group of Voting Members should demand of the Board of Directors that homeowners be given an opportunity to comment, before landscaping changes are dumped on them. Of course, that would require Voting Members to take an active interest in their neighborhoods and actually represent their homeowners!


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