Secret Preparations for Nov. 7 Election

On November 7, 2023 twenty-eight Voting Members of the HOA are supposed to meet prior to the 6:30PM Board of Directors meeting. Their primary purpose is to elect four directors for 2023-2025.

Why is the work of the Nominating Committee a big secret?

Vernell Butler, treasurer of the HOA, is acting chair of the Nominating Committee, since Mary Ann Game is a candidate for re-election. Other members of the Nominating Committee are Mike Bryant*, Auby Dellinger, James Glenn, Jeff Lummel, and Kristie O'Brian.

The closing date for applications was October 6. The office was to confirm that applicants are homeowners and not in debt to the HOA. Then the Committee applies its Mission to the applications.

"Mission: Provides quality candidates to hold office on the Board. Candidates will be of the highest caliber, selected for interpersonal skills, dedication to the betterment of our Association and community, and free of any personal agenda"

Based on those requirements, the Nominating Committee may be forced to reject certain applicants. Will it have the integrity to do so?

Voting Members are supposed to have the opportunity to "vet" candidates, before the Nominating Committees compiles its slate for the November 7th election.

The Nominating Committee does not "vet" the Voting Members. HOWEVER, when the President (Justin Martin) calls the Annual Meeting of the Voting Members to order (11/7/23, 5:00PM?), he should ask the Secretary (Greg Thomas) to call the roll of Voting Members present. Martin should then ask Thomas if each is a legitimate Voting Member; i.e., selected by his Neighborhood Committee in 2023 or 2022. 

After removing those who are not legitimate, Martin should determine whether a quorum is present. Fifteen Neighborhoods must be represented. I predict there won't be anywhere near a quorum of 15 present, which means that the Annual Meeting must be adjourned and re-scheduled for 5-30 days later.

Will Justin Martin and Greg Thomas follow the By-Laws? What happens, if they don't?

* Mike Bryant may have to recuse himself, if his wife, Brenda Bryant, is running for re-election.


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