What happened to the pool fob-entry system?

Back in February 2023 the Summit HOA's board of directors approved a $42,373 contract with Johnson Controls for a fob entry systems for both pools. 

The system was never installed, and the board has never explained why not. 

Today I came across a mention in the CAMS Management Notes attached to the April 2023 Minutes that "Angela notified Johnson Controls that the board wants to hold on the install [sic] of the fob system." 

Did you ever hear that discussed in a monthly, open board meeting?

Why would the board approve a $42,373 and then decide (did they vote?) in private to delay it?

How did the contract read? Did any money change hands? Did the HOA make any payment to Johnson Control? Who signed the contract? The signers for the HOA for contracts ought to be the President and the Secretary.

There should have been a Resolution approved by the board that authorized the President to enter into a contract with Johnson Controls. But there does not seem to be any Resolution attached to any Minutes.

Did Johnson Controls begin steps to install the fob entry system? How many fobs were ordered? How much does each fob cost? Did the HOA order one for each home? How much equipment would Johnson Controls have published or manufactured to complete the contract?

Where will the HOA store 2,400 fobs? Who is in charge of inventory control? Will a deposit be required, when the fob is issued? If a fob is lost or stops working, what is the replacement cost?

How much thought really went into the decision?

Was the desire to change the contract ever discussed at a monthly open board meeting?

This board makes too many decisions in private, such as in monthly "pre-board" meetings and in other meetings. There should be Minutes of every meeting of the board. Are there?


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