Board Nominations - Now Open

Nominations for Directors on the HOA's board of directors are now open. An application can be found in the PRM (Page 33), Appendix A, and must be submitted to the office by October 4.

The date of the election has not yet been announced. The Annual Meeting of Voting Members would normally be on the first Tuesday of November, but the board will probably change it to avoid conflict with the National Election. My guess today is that the HOA election will be November 12.

This is only two months away. The Nominating Committee has a lot of work to do.

The Nominating Committee does not have a chair. What does the PRM say, at Art. III, Section H (Page 22-24)?

Paragraph 1) "The nominating committee chairman is named by the SCA Board President at the board officer election meeting."

Officers of the HOA should have been elected on November 7, 2023. According to the By-Laws (Art. III, §B, ¶8):

Section 8. Organizational Meetings. The first meeting of the Board of Directors following each annual meeting of the membership shall be held within ten (10) days thereafter at such time and place as shall be fixed by the Board.

The Annual Meeting of Voting Members was held at about 5:30PM on November 7, 2024.

The first meeting of the Board of Directors  following the Annual Meeting of the "membership" (Voting Members) was held at 6:30PM. 

When I asked if officers would be elected at the (November 7th) board meeting, Director Brenda Bryant answered that officers would be elected at a separate organizational meeting. That meeting was held about a week later.

That organizational meeting was held in a private, secret, closed, Special Meeting of the Board. No Minutes of that meeting have ever been published. The Members were deprived of observing the election of officers. 

It is unknown whether a chair of the Nominating Committee was appointed at that Special Meeting. From January 2024 on, no chair of the Nominating Committee has been listed in The Summit Scoop. No chair of the Nominating Committee is listed on the HOA's website.

How can a Nominating Committee function without a chair?

The HOA desperately needs directors who know and will comply with the By-Laws and other Governing Documents. This is important for the legal and financial security of the Association. 

Do you have financial and business sense? Apply to be nominated.

Want some help getting elected? Do you know what to do if the Nominating Committee doesn't choose you? Contact me privately. It will be better for you, if you do not mention my name at the office or to board members, voting members, or Nominating Committee members! If you do, you won't have a chance. I'll help you behind the scenes.

Will the HOA conduct a legitimate election this year? Probably not. There aren't enough legitimate Voting Members to make a quorum. But the HOA will have an election, anyway. 

A fraudulent election occurs, when the HOA allows people to vote who are not eligible to vote!


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