Why Elect Gus to the HOA's BOD!

On November 12th three directors will be elected to the HOA's Board of Directors (BOD).

Should I be one of them?

What would I do if I were on the BOD?

- Lead the BOD with transparency and integrity;
- Welcome Members & Residents to all meetings (board, committees, groups);
- Staff committees with well-meaning people who have qualifications for the particular work;
- Create informative communications, improving the website and The Summit Scoop;
- Impose financial responsibility, including the required reserves for future expenditures;
- Urge that monthly board meetings be conducted with decorum and professionalism;
- Require the Finance Committee to report the honest financial condition of the HOA;
- Publish Minutes of ALL meetings (pre-board, committees, special board meetings, Voting Member meetings);
- Add Percentage-of-Change columns to financial statements, so that significant changes from month-to-month are easily identifiable;
- Stick to the two-minute rule for audience participation and refer the Member to a committee or outside agency for resolution;
- Use the microphone so that all can hear every word said in monthly board meetings.

Oh, wait; you can't elect me to the Board for two reasons.

1) there is only one (1) legitimate Voting Member in the HOA; there should be 28. No legitimate election can be held on November 12.

2) I'm a resident, not a homeowner, and I am not eligible to run for the Board.


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