HOA Needs Competent Board Members

The HOA is supposed to hold an election of three directors in 6½ weeks (on November 12). I say "is supposed to" because it will not be able to. The HOA will not be able to muster a quorum of Voting Members.

But it will probably hold an election, anyway, just as it has done in past years. The directors conveniently overlook voter fraud (allowing people to vote, who are not eligible to vote).

If there were enough legitimate Voting Members (currently there is only one (1)), they should elect knowledgeable, competent, skilled homeowners who understand business and can read financial statements.??

Barony Place has the only legitimate Voting Member. Why aren't the other 27 Neighborhoods holding Neighborhood Meetings and electing legitimate Voting Members?

Is it going to take a Richland County Circuit Court Judge to force the HOA to comply with its By-Laws?

The Nominating Committee should be beating the bushes throughout the Summit to identify qualified candidates to run for the board. The Nominating Committee should not just sit back and hope that qualified homeowners express interest in running for the board. 

Board meetings have been a trainwreck this year. I have talked to homeowners, some of whom have served on the board in the past. I know three right here in my own neighborhood who would be great on the Board. They have absolutely NO interest in being on the board. 
isThe Summit Scoop could be a valuable tool for recruiting board members. Could be... In its present form, it is worthless.


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