TO: 2402 Homeowners in 27 Neighborhoods

This post is for all homeowners (except those in Barony Place I & II).

Two thousand four hundred two (96.9%) of you (in 27 Neighborhoods) may not be properly represented at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members on November 12, 2024. To be represented, you must have a legitimate Voting Member.

Without your urgent attention and action, the HOA will not be able to convene the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. There won't be a quorum. But the Board may allow it to happen, just as past boards have. 

Isn't this ELECTION FRAUD, just like what is occurring all over the USA? When officials let people vote, who are not eligible to vote, isn't that Election Fraud?

There is still time (52 days) to hold a Neighborhood Meeting and elect a three-member Neighborhood Committee, from which one of those three will become your Voting Member.

Would you like some help? With the right organization, you can elect a legitimate Voting Member within two weeks! Contact me. I'll tell you how to make it happen.

Come to the October 1st board meeting (6:30PM) and ask what the effect is, when the Association conducts a fraudulent election of directors.

Ask the "board members" if they incur personal responsibility and liability by allowing ineligible homeowners to vote for directors.

Ask if, because of fraudulent elections in the recent past, there is even a legitimate board of directors right now, which is required under South Carolina law.

Ask the board why it allowed the HOA's Neighborhood Committee to be disbanded last December. That's the committee which is supposed to help Neighborhoods to comply with the By-Laws. 

See the Procedures Reference Manual, Art. II, §B, ¶8 (Page 9). You'll find it on the HOA's website. Hover over RESIDENTS; click on DOCUMENTS; click on SCA Procedures Reference Manual; scroll down.

"Neighborhood Committee:  This Committee is responsible for helping each Community in the Summit to locate and elect a local neighborhood committee that will represent their community at SCA Board meetings and there by [sic] allow their Voting member (elected by the local neighborhood committee) to vote on vital issues that affect the Summit and their local neighborhood.  The Neighborhood Committee will assist and advise local neighborhoods with problems that they encounter."

This is a Standing Committee. A vote of the full board should have been taken at the meeting, when the President announced he was disbanding that committee. The HOA President can appoint or remove a chair of a Standing Committee, but he cannot, on his own, abolish the committee. Why did the board let him do that?

Should a homeowner file a legal action in Richland County and ask a judge to order the HOA to obey its By-Laws and not to hold a fraudulent election of directors?


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