Stupid Message from CAMS

4:30PM Here is our "inclement weather" that the CAMS regional office was so worried about this mornng. CAMS closed its Columbia office today, taking extreme precautions to insure everyone's safety. Feel better now?

The worst thing that happened out here was that a neighbor's recycle barrel blew over - twice. Big deal!


"We hope everyone is staying safe and dry!

"In consideration of today’s inclement weather associated with Hurricane Helene, we are taking extra precautions to ensure everyone’s safety.  Our regional office, located at 508 Hampton Street, Suite 200, will be closed today, September 27th. 

"Please be advised that our dedicated team will be working remotely during this time and remains committed to providing you the best assistance possible.  We will continue to monitor weather conditions closely and keep you updated of any additional closures.  Please visit to view CAMS updates related to the storm. 

"The easiest way to communicate with your Association is via the CAMS Connects portal.  If you have not visited the portal in a while, please take time now to log-in or register for the first time.  Important notifications from your association are sent via the portal. ..."

The above message was sent by CAMS this morning to Summit homeowners whose email addresses are registered. If you are one of the 25% without a registered email address, you didn't receive it.

And you didn't miss anything.

How does closing the CAMS Regional Office "ensure everyone's safety"? How dumb!

Who even knew (or cared) that there was a regional office of CAMS in Columbia? You would have no need to contact the regional office; they serve their own employees, the property managers of HOAs that have contracted with CAMS.

"Inclement weather"? 10:30AM. No rain. Winds at 19MPH with gusts. Some recycle cans are blowing over. So what? Wind speeds dropping. Sun expected this afternoon. 

It's not the HOA's role to play nanny. Adults know how to take care of themselves without the HOA's help. 

Is the Summit's HOA office open today? I dare not call to ask. The HOA will accuse me of harassing them. Not that I am concerned about that, since I know that I have not harassed them (or the board or the representatives, none of whom is legitimately in office).


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