Prepare Minutes of Voting Member meetings

Whenever a meeting of Voting Members is called, Minutes should be prepared. The reason is that homeowners (Members of the Association) are entitled to know what their representatives are going to talk about.

An Agenda should be prepared, showing the items that will be discussed. The Agenda should become part of the Minutes.

Was a meeting called for September 14? How many showed up?

One of these days the HOA is going to have to admit that there are very few Voting Members; possibly, only one (1).

If a "Meeting" cannot be held, because there was no quorum, what was discussed? No decisions or agreements should be made, if there was no quorum. The Minutes should report who was there, whether (or not) there was a quorum and, if there wasn't, what was talked about. 

Did they discuss a dues increase of $50.00/year? Their approval is not needed for that increase, because it is not "more-than-10%" of $510.00. Think the Board doesn't realize that? A $50.00 increase isn't enough for a healthy budget for 2025, but a vote of the Voting Members can be avoided. 

Maybe this is the Board's subtle acknowledgement that there aren't enough legitimate Voting Members to approve a dues increase in the first place. If the Board wanted to increase the dues by $55 (10.8%) or more, they wouldn't be able to do it. 

However, that might not keep them from calling a Voting Members' Meeting and allowing them to do business, as has been done in past years.


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