Chaos at the 9/10/2024 BOD Meeting

Lack of leadership and of organization procedures resulted in chaos at last night's meeting.

The public comment period of two minutes was announced and then immediately disregarded. A resident should air his comments, the board should listen, and then the next resident should speak. The resident should be directed to a committee or to the next step. There is no need to discussion and argument. A two-minute timer should be used. The on-site property manager could be the timekeeper.

When the erroneous information about the Voting Member process was given by the on-site property manager, one or more Board Members should have corrected her. The problem is that they are all complicit in disregarding the By-Laws about selection of Voting Members.

But the real chaos was at the end of the meeting, when President Danny Trapp announced he was disbanding the Projects Committee. There was no orderly discussion. Arguments ensued, with many talking over one another. Vicki McCarthy addressed the board from the audience and explained that the Projects Committee was hard at work and meeting every two weeks.

Danny announced adjournment of the meeting, and Director Dennis Rybicki told him he could not do that without a vote of the Board. They argued. The rest of the Board sat there like bumps on a log. 

Somebody should have repeatedly shouted, "POINT OF ORDER", until everybody shut up. Then one board member at a time should have spoken without being interrupted. While the President of the HOA can appoint and remove a chairman of a committee, he cannot arbitrarily and solely disband a committee. (He did that earlier this year, when he disbanded the Neighborhood Committee, which is one of the most important HOA Committees.)

Danny is one member of the board, with no greater (or less) authority than any of the other board members. Yet he assumes the power of a dictator (and gets away with it).

The board could remove Danny by electing a different Board member as President. Due to the vacancy on the Board, right now Danny has a lock on the Board, because he has two board members who will vote with him. Danny has refused to allow appointment of a successor to the board position vacated by Tommy Williams in May, and the other board members are allowing him to get away with it. 

A Motion to appoint a successor would result in a 3-3 vote, which fails.

A Motion to hold an election for President would result in a 3-3 vote, which fails.

Four Board members could break those deadlocks.


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