Where Are the August Minutes?

Here it is, September 8th, and the Minutes of the August 13, 2024 Board meeting have not yet been posted.

It was a rambunctious meeting, with one board member ripping the President of the HOA very harshly. Will that be included in the Minutes?

The Summit Scoop for September has not yet been published.

The Financial Operating Results for 7/31/2024 HAVE been published on the website, but who looks at them? Somebody, besides the Finance Committee, should be inspecting them.

The Accounts Receivable (Line 1200) took a huge jump from 6/30/2024. While some temporary increase might be expected (following the July 1 Assessments due date), is this an unusual jump?
Line 1300 is Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts.

Line          6/30/24            7/31/24       Change
1200     $373,841.57     $556,903.80    +49%
1300    ($299,167.13)  ($299,167.13)       0%

Will the Board direct CAMS to aggressively collect assessments that were past due on August 1? Is this part of CAMS work, or does CAMS charge the HOA extra to hound late-payers?

Is the Board organized? Has a board member been assigned to each major category of business? Or does everybody handle everything, which often means that nobody handles anything?

Do the other five board members know everything that the President is doing?

The Board has been short one Director since May. Why??? If Danny doesn't want to appoint a successor to Tommy Williams, who resigned, there are FIVE other board members who should overrule him! The seventh Board member means less chance of tie-votes, which fail.

Is the Board still conducting business in the secret, closed, private pre-board meetings?


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