Will Chaos Continue at October 1st BOD Meeting?

At the September 10th board of directors meeting, chaos ensued at the end of the meeting when President Danny Trapp made an announcement about the Projects Committee.

He stated he was dissolving the Projects Committee and moving it out of the Finance Committee. Then he said that (Secretary) Tanisha Holmes had agreed to chair the Projects Committee.

A woman's voice (VP Brenda Bryant?) could be heard ask if the Board had to vote on that, and Danny said it did not. She should have called "Point-of-Order" and asked the board to vote on whether Danny could appoint a committee chair without the board's vote.

Director Dennis Rybicki said Danny couldn't do that (dissolve the Projects Committee) because it was a Standing Committee. Actually, it's not. It is listed as an "Other Committee" (PRM, Art. II Section C(2)), following the section on Standing Committees.

Considerable argument and disagreement followed. Danny said the Project Committee hadn't been doing anything. Vicki McCarthy, a homeowner, spoke from the audience and stated that the Project Committee had been meeting every two weeks. They had found that requests for projects had been held up in the office.

What does the Projects Committee do?
"...receive capital and replacement project request [sic], analyze cost and prioritize all proposed projects." (PRM, Art. II, Section C(2). 

Many on the board and in the audience were talking at the same time, and it was extremely hard to hear and understand what was happening. 

It would help if one board member spoke at a time and was not interrupted. It also would help if each board member and each speaker from the audience used the microphone and spoke directly into it, so that all in the room could hear every word.


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