Cleaning the Voter Rolls of the HOA

Have you been following the national news about cleaning the voter registration rolls around the country?

Getting all the dead people off the voting lists? Removing the names of people who have moved? Or who have not voted for many years? Or the names of illegal aliens?

What about the voter rolls of The Summit Community Association ("HOA")?

Is there any reason that the voter registration rolls of the HOA shouldn't be true, honest, and correct?

There should be not more than 28 names on the list of eligible voters in HOA elections. These people are called Voting Members.

Shouldn't only duly-elected homeowners be on that official list?

Who is on the list who was not duly-elected, in compliance with the By-Laws of the HOA? Call this List 1.

Who is on the list who was duly-elected? Call this List 2.

List 1 would be long.
List 2 would be short.*

The office of the HOA, overseen by the on-site property manager, should have documentation from each of the 28 Neighborhoods. CAMS should have been advising previous boards on the protocol for electing directors each November. Did it?

The only proper documentation would be the Minutes of a Neighborhood Meeting, reporting how many homeowners attended, whether there was a quorum, who the candidates for the Neighborhood Committee were, which three were elected for the next 12 months, and which one of those three was elected as the Voting Member. AND the date of that Neighborhood Meeting.

If that date wasn't within the past 12 months (or so), then that Neighborhood doesn't have a Voting Member. (One current board member told me that, if a Neighborhood elected a Voting Member 25 years ago and never held another Neighborhood Meeting, that person would still be the Voting Member. She must have overlooked the wording in the By-Laws that a Neighborhood is to have a Neighborhood Meeting annually (meaning, every year))
If the "documentation" is a petition or list of signatures, then it doesn't count at all.

If there is no documentation but a homeowner has been listed as Voting Member for the past 5-10-15 years, then that homeowner is not the Voting Member and the name should be removed from the Voting Member list on the HOA's website and in The Summit Scoop.

The Board of Directors is responsible for cleaning up the voting roll, except that they themselves are not legitimate, because there were no eligible Voting Members to elect them at the past 3-4-5 elections.

The only way to fix this is for each Neighborhood to hold a Neighborhood Meeting, in compliance with the By-Laws. Then the duly-elected Voting Members would hold a meeting and properly elect directors of the HOA, who would then elect officers. 

* Without the help of the HOA or any officers or directors, the Barony Place Neighborhood (78 homes) held a Neighborhood Meeting on May 4, 2024, in compliance with the By-Laws. It is believed to have the only legitimate Voting Member in the HOA.


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