Erroneous Information at 9/10 BOD Meeting

There is an eight-letter word that perfectly describes last night's Board of Directors meeting. If you want to know it, call me. I'll be polite here and just call it "chaotic".

During the meeting a homeowner in Chapelwood asked several questions about the Voting Member position in her Neighborhood. She asked about the process for choosing a Voting Member. She asked how to contact the Alternate, whose contact information is missing from the monthly Summit Scoop. 

She was given misleading and completely erroneous information, and NOT ONE board member attempted to correct it.

The HOA's on-site property manager told her to contact the office for the form that is used for "collecting signatures". That is NOT a legitimate method, according to the By-Laws. When the homeowner asked how to contact the Owners of properties, since there are numerous rentals, the manager said she could not give out the names of the Owners.

Of course, she can. And the Governing Documents of the HOA even allow that! 

Barony Place elected a legitimate Voting Member in two weeks. There is no reason that every Neighborhood could not do that. All it takes is planning and organization. It also takes intention and honesty.


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