Dec. 3, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Have you looked at the Minutes for the December 3, 2024 Board meeting yet?
Was Director Linda Potter (former Treasurer) present?
In addition to naming the Directors who were present, those who were absent should be identified. This is just a good business practice.
Twelve Voting Members are listed. But how many of them are "legitimate" Voting Members? More than one? "Legitimate" means duly-elected by their homeowners in a Neighborhood Meeting within approximately the past 12 months.
I can name five on the list who are not.
How can the Board of Directors tolerate homeowners who claim to be "Voting Members" but who clearly are not? A huge problem, of course, is that no one on the Board was legitimately elected as a Director, because there have not been quorums of legitimate Voting Members at the Annual Meetings of Voting Members for several years.
Why didn't the Board correct the many errors in the Minutes of the November 12th board meeting before voting to approve them?
Why did the Safety Commission chairman mention a homeowner's concern about someone climbing a fence into a backyard? This is not a HOA matter.
The Treasurer made a motion to fund $53,031 of neighborhood entrance improvements. No mention was made of the source of those funds. From what account will the money come?
The Neighborhood Committee chairman mentioned a request for a sidewalk at the Summit Hills entrance. This is not Neighborhood Committee business. That's a Project. He stated that a "candidate" is obtaining signatures for the vacant Maywood Voting Member position. WHY? "Getting signatures" is not a valid way to become a Voting Member! Why isn't he helping the Maywood Neighborhood to hold a Neighborhood Meeting and do it the right way?
Several items should have been included under Old Business, but the Board doesn't use that Agenda item. Old Business should have included:
1. The 2023 Annual Audit, which was due 5/1/24;
2. The 2023 forensic external audit. The Minutes for the October 1, 2024 Board Meeting stated that the external audit had been completed and that Becca Brendle would be "at the next BOD meeting to go over the audit with everyone." The "next" BOD meeting was on November 12; she wasn't there. And she wasn't at the December 3rd BOD meeting.
3. The 2023 forensic internal audit.
Come to the January 7th BOD meeting and ask about these important audits.
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