Street Parking - Yes or No?

"We are not allowed to park in the streets."

Who says?

This is what I was told on November 12, 2024 by William Hill, chair of the HOA's Safety Committee:

When I emailed back to him on November 22 and asked for reference to a Section in the CC&Rs or By-Laws, he did not reply.

He also did not reply to my follow-up email on December 21.

This morning I emailed Teresa, the on-site property manager, and requested a reply by January 6.

Who else believes that street parking is not allowed in The Summit? And why not?

I'll give Mr. Hill the benefit of a doubt. Somebody must have told him that street parking is not allowed. Who did?

Others have told me that street parking is not allowed by the HOA, but no one has ever seen anything in writing, except for the Parking Violation Notices sent out by the office.


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