Why Did BOD Not Mail Out the Budget?

When the HOA mailed out the January 1st dues notices, why didn't it include the 2025 Budget?

The CC&Rs (Art. X, §2, ¶4 ) require it (the Common Expense budget). At the November 12th BOD meeting then-Treasurer Linda Patton stated, "All homeowners will receive the budget when the assessments go out in December."

Three days later newly-elected Director LaToya Adams was elected by the Board as Treasurer.

Why did the BOD fail to send it out? Who made the decision to omit it?

Could there be homeowners in the community who would look at the budget carefully and ask why dues weren't being increased?

Why is there no allowance for bad debts (unpaid dues)? Does the HOA expect a miracle to happen in 2025? Will every homeowner pay his dues as billed?

Only $3,000 is planned for Reserves. Nothing went into Reserves in 2024. In 2020 $163,195 was budgeted for Reserves.

Would a homeowner notice that many expenses had gone up, although the dues had not?

Would he wonder where the HOA was getting the money, if the dues weren't going up?

Was Peter being robbed to pay Paul?

Contact the office by email (hoa@summithomeowners.com) or telephone (803.865.0609) and ask why the HOA did not mail out the budget with the dues notices.

How much was the original budget, before some on the board, in a private, closed meeting before November 12, indicated they would not approve a dues increase? Ask to inspect the Minutes of that pre-board (or other) meeting. Good luck!


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