Dues Notices in the Mail

Did you receive your January dues notice in the mail yesterday. What was in the envelope?
Your bill?
A cover letter?
Copy of the Budget?

Oh, you didn't get a copy of the Budget?

If I recall correctly, at the November 12th board meeting a statement was made that a copy of the budget would accompany the dues notice. 

The CC&Rs (Art. X, Section 2, Paragraph 4) read, in part,

"The Board shall cause a copy of the Common Expense budget and notice of the amount of the Base Assessment to be levied against each Unit for the following year to be delivered to each Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year..."

So, why wasn't there any copy of the Budget in that envelope?

And why was the envelope delivered on December 16, instead of December 1?

Will the HOA now have to mail the budget out to every homeowner? In a new envelope with a new stamp, and new per-piece billing by CAMS?

Notice that the sentence in the CC&Rs begins with "The Board shall cause..." "shall" is an important word. It's not optional. The Board can't just say that homeowners don't need to know what the Budget says or that they won't understand it or "They don't care".

What should the penalty be for failing to comply with the CC&Rs? And who should pay it? (Hint: not the homeowners! not the HOA!) CAMS? The officers, individually? the directors, individually?

You know what happens if you don't comply with the CC&Rs!!


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