HOA President and a Dues Increase

Here's what HOA President Danny Trapp had to say about a dues increase in the December Summit Scoop, Page 1.

"The budget for 2025 has been finalized and recommended approval by the board. Thanks to those on Finance who worked to develop our budget. This budget does not include any increases, although there are the few that suggested an increase. The near future may require a modest increase, but the present outlook indicates the opposite. Considerations will always be inclusive of everybody's ability to afford an increase."

What he didn't say was that the original 2025 Budget contained higher numbers and that the Finance Committee had recommended a 10% increase.

Notice how he disrespects "the few who suggested an increase." Those "few" were the honest ones who knew an increase was needed!

The true "present outlook" demands an increase now. 

When some members of the board, which lacked a critical seventh director before November 12th, balked at a private, closed, secret, pre-board meeting, the Finance Committee re-worked the Budget and cut expenses down to fit the current dues level.

That is NOT how the PRM says the Budget will be developed! Who sided with Danny and was against a dues increase? There should be Minutes of that meeting!

Any Member (homeowner) can request to inspect those Minutes, and the office must make them available! (By-Laws, Art. VI, §4)

What expenses were cut down? One critical expense is the contribution to Reserves, which is required in the CC&Rs. How much has gone into Reserves in recent years?
In 2020, $163,965
In 2021, $146,155
In 2022, $  91,610
In 2023, $  39,677
In 2024, $     0.00
For 2025, $ 3,000

Is that reduction responsible???

Nobody seems to know exactly when the last dues increase was. In November one board member guessed 15 years.

How has the HOA been affected by inflation, especially in the last four years? 

The original 2025 Budget should have been presented to the Board IN PUBLIC on November 12th with the request for a 10% dues increase. How would the Board have responded, if everyone was watching?

Two new Board members were expected to vote on the Budget on November 12th. They should have demanded a delay in the vote, until they could study the Budget and know about the prior meeting. Did they know anything about the 2025 Budget when they voted?


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