Do the By-Laws Allow "Getting Signatures"?
For several years I have been ragging on the Boards of Directors about the illegitimacy of the Voting Members. Before May 4, 2024 I asserted there were NO legitimate Voting Members. That's because the 28 Neighborhoods in The Summit were not having Annual Neighborhood Meetings.
On May 4th the Barony Place Neighborhood of 78 homeowners held a Neighborhood Meeting. Ten (or so) homeowners were present, and 21 homeowners were represented by proxy. Three homeowners were elected to the Neighborhood Committee, and one of them became the legitimate Voting Member.
Where did those 21 proxies come from? I spent a week on the phone calling the homeowners.
The HOA has one Voting Member.
Where have the existing, recognized "Voting Members" come from?
A umber of them claim to have held the office for years. Who knows how they even got it in the first year?
At least one "inherited" the office when her husband died.
Some "moved up" from Alternate when the "Voting Member" moved out of The Summit, got sick, died, tired, or just quit.
And quite a number took advantage of a scheme of "getting signatures" on a form from the office.
"Getting signatures" is not the same thing as being elected by a quorum of his neighbors at a Neighborhood Meeting.
Can any board member (past or present) find any Section in the By-Laws that allows a homeowner to "get signatures" on a form and become a legitimate Voting Member?
I've been reading the By-Laws for five years, and I've never read it. There is one way, and one way only, to become a Voting Members. It's in the By-Laws (Art. V, Section 3).
A couple of years ago a board member told me she thought it was in the PRM. Even if it is, the PRM can't modify the By-Laws.
That same board member told me that if a Neighborhood held a Meeting 25 years ago and elected a Voting Member, and then never had another Neighborhood Meeting, that homeowner would still be the Voting Member.
I hate to tell a person that she is wrong, but she is wrong!
It's like the elusive parking rules that you can't park on the streets in The Summit.
Some people have talked about it so much that they now believe what they have been saying.
But that doesn't make it so, for either Voting Members or the parking.
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