How many homes in the HOA?

How many homes are there in The Summit's HOA?

The quick answer is 2,480. That's the number of homes (properties) on which the Annual Assessment is based. This is easy to calculate. The annual Assessment total is $1,264,800. Dividing that by the $510 annual assessment, there are 2,480 homes (properties). Some properties no longer  have homes on them, due to fires, but the owners should be coughing up their $255 every year.

But how many homes are there in each of the 28 Neighborhoods?

A list from the HOA's office last June indicated 2,526 homes. It was a typewritten sheet with numbers for 27 of the 28 neighborhoods. No number was provided for Chapelwood. I added the numbers, and the total was 2,526. That total (without Chapelwood) was 46 more than the number of homes being assessed (2,480).

When I asked the office how many homes were in Chapelwood, I was told "69". Adding that to 2,526, the total became 2,595. That is 115 more than the 2,480 being assessed.

When I asked for a corrected count, the office stopped responding. That was June 5, 2024. 

Why did I want to know?

There is a somewhat complicated formula when the HOA calls for a vote by the Voting Members to approve amendments to the CC&Rs and By-Laws or to approve an increase in Annual Assessment of more than 10%. 

A quorum (15/28) is required for a meeting of the Voting Members, but the number to approve amendments or a dues increase is not necessarily 15.

Did the Property Manager ever determine the correct number of homes in each Neighborhood?

At this time it really doesn't matter, because there is only one legitimate Voting Member, duly-elected in compliance with the By-Laws.


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