HOA's Neighborhood Committee - AWOL?
There was no report from the HOA's Neighborhood Committee at last night's Board meeting.
It may be planning informational meetings later in January. A report should have been made at the BOD meeting, even if the chairman could not attend.
One of the problems, it seems, is that there is only a chairman of the committee and there are no members. Check the HOA's website and the January Summit Scoop.
This committee of the Association is one of the most important committees. Note that, while it bears the same name, it is different from the (local) Neighborhood Committees of the 28 Communities.
The purpose of the (HOA) Neighborhood Committee is listed on the website and there is information in the PRM.
"Mission: Responsible for helping each community in the Summit to locate and elect a local neighborhood committee that will represent their community at SCA board meetings and thereby allow their Voting member to vote on vital issues that affect the Summit and their local neighborhood. The Neighborhood Committee will assist and advise local neighborhoods with problems that they encounter."
This is far more than one person can handle. If the committee had seven members, each could serve four Communities. They could educate the homeowners about the importance having a legitimate Voting Members. After all, a legitimate Voting Member can commit homeowners to higher dues or even a Special Assessment. A legitimate Voting can vote on amendments to the CC&Rs and By-Laws.
But it will be wrong if the HOA attempts to conduct a Referendum and expects the current (illegitimate) Voting Members to vote on behalf of homeowners. The Members (homeowners) must demand that that not happen!
Neighborhoods must have legitimate Voting Members. Right now, Barony Place is the only Neighborhood with an official Voting Member.
No vote to amend the CC&Rs and By-Laws will be possible.
Unfortunately, the Neighborhood Committee (of the HOA) seems to be following the board in its belief that "getting signatures" is a valid way become a Voting Member. IT IS NOT!
There is one way, and one way only, to become a Voting Member. See the By-Laws (Art. V, §3)
If you don't know where your By-Laws are, call the office (803.465.0609) or email me.
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