Why No Minutes of AMVMs?
One of the most-important meetings of the HOA in an entire year is held every November. It is the Annual Meeting of Voting Members (AMVM).
This meeting precedes the annual meeting of the Board of Directors. Usually, it is held 30-60 minutes before the start of the Board Meeting.
This is the meeting when Voting Members elect either three directors (even-numbered years) or four directors (odd-numbered years).
Would it surprise you to know that the HOA does not generate Minutes of this Meeting?
The Minutes should include the following:
- a copy of the announcement of the AMVM and date it was issued;
- date, day, time, and location of meeting;
- who presided over the meeting;
- who recorded the Minutes;
- who attended the meeting from each Neighborhood;
- whether, and how, the Secretary confirmed that each Neighborhood's attendee was a legitimate Voting Member (or Alternate);
- whether a quorum of legitimate Voting Members was present in-person;
- whether any persons were present, other than the President, Secretary, and one legitimate Voting Member (Alternate) from each Neighborhood;
- who the candidates for election were;
- the election result;
- where, and for how long, the ballots cast will be retained;
- what any other business, if any, was conducted.
The Minutes of the AMVM should be published on the HOA's website, just as Minutes of board meetings are published.
When no Minutes of the AMVM are created, there is no official record of the election.
Why doesn't the HOA record and publish those Minutes?
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