Why Did a New Board Member Quit?

Why would a newly-elected board member quit the Board only three months after being elected?

What did she learn in the first three months of being a member that she didn't know before she was elected?

On November 1, 2022 the "Voting Members", including the illegitimate "Voting Member" for Barony Place and other illegitimate "Voting Members", voted in the 2022 Annual Meeting of Voting Members. That Meeting should not have been convened, because it did not have a quorum of legitimate Voting Members.

The chairman of the Nominating Committee blew the announcement of winners of the election, announcing that Auby Dellinger had been re-elected. Auby was chairing the November 2022 Board of Directors Meeting (Justin Martin was absent), and he was greatly embarrassed and disrespected when Mary Ann Game had to announce that, in fact, he had not been re-elected. Instead of Auby, Vicki McCarthy had been elected.

Vernell Butler quickly spoke up and erroneously said that new board members would be seated in January. No, they are seated immediately. That avoided further embarrassment to Auby, because he continued to chair the meeting, instead of taking a seat in the audience. In fact, Vicki McCarthy was seated at the December 6, 2022 Board meeting. Mary Ann was rewarded for her error by being elected by the Board as Vice-President.

Three months later (February 2023)Vicki quit the board. No reason was ever given. Vicki's name no longer appeared as a Director on the March 7, 2023 Minutes of Board meetings. 

Vicki has never said why she quit. She did not quit at a Board meeting and inform the Board members or the Members (homeowners) of the Association why she quit so quickly after being elected.

What did she learn about the operations of the HOA in those three months on the Board?

Did she become worried about her personal liability for being on a Board of Directors that was operated as it was?

Is it any different since? In my opinion, no. The Board continues to fail to comply with important Sections of the By-Laws; e.g.,  election of directors by homeowners who are not legitimate Voting Members; making decisions in private, closed, pre-board meetings; approving an unbalanced budget (2024); approving a budget (2025) that doesn't meet the financial needs of the HOA.

No wonder it's so hard to find homeowners who are willing to be on the Board or even on Committees.


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