Unasked Questions at Jan. BOD Meeting

These were questions that I thought Voting Members should have asked the Board at the January 2025 Board meeting.

Why didn’t you send out the 2025 Budget with the Assessment Notices? (CC&Rs, Article X, Section 3) 

By Nov. 30th the HOA had over-spent the budget in 11 categories by $129,000. Why didn’t you increase the dues by $50/year for 2025?

Please explain the Variances (over-spending) listed on the Financial Overview Report. They totaled $129,000 as of November 30, 2024, which includes Legal & Professional Fees. Legal was the sixth-largest category at $9,116. Why was Legal left off the list?

How many legitimate Voting Members are there?

Where can the Minutes of the pre-board meetings and the Finance Committee meetings be inspected by Members? (By-Laws, Article VI, Section 4(a))

Why did you write off $100,000 in Accounts Receivable (unpaid dues) last April without discussing it at a board meeting and voting on it?

Accounts Receivable (unpaid  dues) as of November 30th was $436,446.71. How many homeowners are behind on their dues? Why is $299,167.13 (68.5%) of it considered uncollectible?

With over $1,000,000 on deposit, why does the HOA only expect $3,000 in interest in 2025?

What can you do? Ask these questions on February 4th Board meeting.

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