How Easy It Is to Spend OPM.

At last night's BOD meeting, the six board members (Pollin was absent (without explanation)) made a $96,000 decision that could very likely backfire and cost the HOA more.

The issue was a pool repair. Treasurer LaToya Adams explained three bids from one piece of paper she had. Her explanation of the provisions and prices was given orally, without any posters or side-by-side comparison of the bids. 

If I'm going to spend $96,000, I'm going to compare details side-by-side, not just go by the bid. I would think that should be critical for a board such as The Summit's BOD, which is comprised of a variety of people who have a range of experience in making big-dollar decisions (like, from "none" to "some").

A better presentation would have been to show visuals and say that the Finance Committee considered three bids and the Committee recommends one "for the following reasons". That didn't happen.

If one were to ask the board members today why they chose Carolina Surfacing last night, how many of them would be able to say why they chose Carolina Surfacing for $96,458.30?

The vote was 3-2-1; three in favor, two opposed, one abstained. Danny seemed to be confused about the outcome of the vote. What was so difficult? Five voted. Three were in favor; two were not. It is crystal-clear.

The Minutes should reflect who voted Yes, who voted No, and who abstained. Will they? Those who voted No should be sure that their names are recorded as No votes.

Why do I suspect the contract might backfire? Because nobody discussed the Carolina Surfacing bid against the Request For Prosposals. Was anything left out of the bid that the HOA required? Are there any extras that will cost the HOA as the work is done? 

Let's hope it doesn't turn out like the Hard Scrabble Road project.


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