School pick-up cars block Clemson Road
Am I the only person who thinks the problem of long student pick-up lines of cars should be solved? At about 11:00AM today there was a l-o-n-g line of cars westbound waiting to enter North Springs Elementary School. Thanks to Richland 2's early dismissal (well ahead of inclement weather).
The end of the line was well east of Clemson Road, almost to Rhame Road. A driver in the right, westbound lane, wanting to turn right onto Summit Parkway, had a long wait in a stopped traffic lane.
Why don't Richland County, RCSD, the State Patrol, SC DOT, and Richland 2 Schools work together and solve this problem?
The problem exists also on Summit Parkway at Summit Parkway Middle School and on Hard Scrabble at the two schools that are next-door to one another.
Cars stopped in the right lane, waiting to turn into the schools, are impeding traffic. There is a traffic law about that.
A temporary solution could be in place in one week. A permanent solution will take a little longer.
Does anyone else think the problem should be addressed and solved?
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