Make Monthly BOD Meetings More Efficient

How could monthly board meetings be more professional, without giving up on friendliness?

The President should call the meeting to order in a clear, authoritative voice, using the microphone. Speak clearly and enunciate. Hold the microphone so that the voice is amplified. Continue to use the microphone for all business.

Ask the deputy to use the microphone for his report.

Tell the audience that they will have two minutes for concerns or questions. If their question or concern can be answered briefly, the President may call on a board member to do so. Ask them to stand, state their name and Neighborhood, and speak loudly and clearly. If appropriate, direct them to the office or to a committee. Avoid lengthy back-and-forth. Limit the speaker and topic to two minutes. Appoint a time-keeper. Stop them after two minutes.

On January 7th, once again, audience members got on a roll and went far past their time, without interruption by the President.

Committee chairs should use the microphone and give clear, concise reports. Committee reports should be addressed to the Board, with the audience included. No comments are needed from the audience.

The President should control the meeting and not let it dissolve into long discussions, off-topic comments, side conversations, etc.

The President shouldn't just sit back and watch the meeting unfold. If a board member wishes to speak, s/he should ask the President for the floor and then be brief. There is often too much back-and-forth in quiet voices that cannot be heard throughout the room.


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