New ad hoc Committee Needed

The HOA's Board of Directors (BOD) should establish a new ad hoc Committee to advise it on its intention to amend the CC&Rs and the By-Laws.

The BOD seems to be under the impression that it can conduct a Referendum to amend the CC&R and By-Laws and might combine it with the second-half mailing of the Assessment Notice for the July 1st dues, in order to save postage.

A Referendum would have to be mailed to 2,480 property owners (Members). Then each of 28 Voting Members would have to learn from their Neighborhoods if Members were in favor.

The purpose of an ad hoc Committee would be to determine whether there are actually enough legitimate Voting Members for that to happen. (Hint: there aren't.)

My position for years has been that there were no legitimate Voting Members, because Neighborhoods were not holding Neighborhood Meetings. No [local] Neighborhood Committees were being elected. No Voting Members were be elected by those [local] Neighborhood Committees.

"Getting signatures" to become a Voting Member is not authorized in the By-Laws.

Barony Place held a bonafide Neighborhood Meeting on May 4, 2024 and elected a Neighborhood Committee and Voting Member, in compliance with the By-Laws.

An ad hoc Committee could research the documentation on file with the office, if any, and confer with the HOA's attorney, whose legitimacy as the HOA's attorney may be in question because he was retained by a Board that was not "duly-elected" by eligible, legitimate Voting Members.

If he read emails from me last summer, he is aware of the directors and officers who were not duly-elected. Hopefully, he satisfied himself that they had the authority to retain him.


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