No CAT Officer Yet

A valuable service of the Richland County Sheriff's Department to homeowners and residents of The Summit is the CAT officer.

No, it's not for cats, although there are plenty of loose ones here. The CAT officer is the Community Action Team deputy who is assigned to The Summit.

The Summit is in Region 7 of RCSD. Capt. Danny Brown and Lt. Gil Gallegos have been at monthly board meetings, but The Summit has been without an assigned CAT officer for several months. 

The Minutes of Board meetings indicate that the last time a CAT officer attended was at the October 1, 2024 Board meeting.

During the important Annual Meeting of Voting Members on November 12, 2024 meeting, President Danny Trapp was hob-nobbing with Deputy Chief Ashe, instead of chairing the Voting Members' meeting. 

No CAT officer attended the November, December or January board meetings and, as of today, no CAT officer is assigned to Region 7, according to the sheriff's department website.

It's nice to have command officers at the board meetings. Wouldn't it be better to have the deputy who is actually on the streets to tell us what is happening here?


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