When was Your Last Neighborhood Meeting?

One of the most  important dates in HOA records is the date of each Neighborhood's last Neighborhood Meeting.

To be a legitimate Meeting, a quorum of homeowners had to be present, in-person and by proxy.

As an example, on May 4, 2024 Barony Place held a Neighborhood Meeting. There were 10-11 homeowners present and 21 proxies. A quorum was 26, so the Meeting could be convened. A three-member [local] Neighborhood Committee was elected by the homeowners, and Tracy Manderino became the Voting Member for the following 12 months.

When was your last Neighborhood Meeting (prior to November 12, 2024)? Please email me, using the Contact Form on this page (upper-left) with the date (or approximate date). Your message will be private. Was it within the last 12 months? Last 18-24 months? 

Prior to the May 4, 2024 Barony Place Meeting no homeowner in Barony Place I talked to remembered a Neighborhood Meeting, and some of them have lived here 15-20 years!

Amaryllis Woods?
Autumn Hill?
Autumn Run?
Chapelwood? (1)
Courtyards at Founders Ridge?
Fawn Ridge?
Founders Ridge?
Glen Meadow?
Hunters Pond?
The Lakes at Barony Place?
Laurel Springs?
Maywood? (2)
Oleander Mill?
Pepper Knoll?
Pine Brook? (3)
Ridge Crest?
Stone Chapel?
Summer Chase?
Summit Hills III?
Summit Hills IV?
Summit Hills V?
Whitney Falls?

If the Board is recognizing you as a "Voting Member", but your Neighborhood hasn't had a Neighborhood Meeting (quorum, election of Neighborhood Committee, election of Voting Member), then according to the By-Laws you are not a legitimate Voting Member.

If you inherited the position, have just held it for many years, or "got signatures", then there is a problem. For you it could be a legal problem.

Would it be a good idea for you to ask your own personal attorney what liability you have for acting as if you are a Voting Member, when you did not follow the By-Laws?

For example, if you voted for a Special Assessment and a homeowner did not like it, could he sue you personally?

(1) Did the new Chapelwood "Voting Member" get signatures to claim the role of "Voting Member"?

(2) For Maywood, LaToya Adams is first listed as a Voting Member in the August 2023 Summit Scoop. Did she "get signatures" or did Maywood hold a Neighborhood Meeting in compliance with the By-Laws? Was she a legitimate Voting Member, when she voted for directors on November 12, 2024? She is not listed as having attended the November 7, 2023 Annual Meeting of Voting Members, so she didn't vote then. 

(3) When Director Mary Ann Game resigned from the Board in October 2023 (her resignation was never announced) in order to become the "Voting Member" of Pine Brook(188), did she "get signatures"? How many signatures did she get? Or did Pine Brook quickly hold a Neighborhood Meeting and get 63 homeowners together in-person and by proxy, so that Game could attend the November 7, 2023 Annual Meeting of Voting Members as a voting member and vote?


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