Why Reading Is Important

Every once in a while there is a line in a book that is well worth remembering.

"Sapiens nihil affirmat quod non prohat."

"A wise man states as true nothing he cannot prove."

This is from False Dawn, by Paul Levine. Published in 2013 by Herald Square Publishing, it is Book 3 in the Jake Lassiter Legal Thriller Series.

The HOA, through its President and its lawyer, seems to think that I have made false accusations and have harassed "the Association, its board members and representatives". The lawyer exercised his penmanship in a Cease and Desist Letter on August 28, 2024.

Then, on December 30, 2024, that same honorable lawyer filed a Complaint in court that includes  (No. 18) "Despite receipt of this correspondence, Defendant (that's me (or, more correctly, that is I)) has failed to curb his behavior leaving the Association with no other choice but to seek legal action" and (No. 27) "Plaintiff (that's the HOA) has every reason to expect that Defendant's behavior will continue and worsen as time passes."

What behavior would they like to curb?

It is noteworthy that the lawyer refused to give me any examples of "false accusations" or harassment, because I am not a homeowner. 

Of course, the Plaintiff (the HOA) did have another choice. At any point it could comply with the By-Laws. It could support Neighborhoods in holding Annual Neighborhood Meetings and electing Voting Members according to the By-Laws.

It could stop the nonsense of allowing homeowners to "get signatures" and  become "Voting Members".

The HOA could hold bonafide elections of Directors by legitimate Voting Members.

It could hold Organizational Meetings on time and in public.

It could allow only legitimate directors to vote for officers.

It could even include the Annual Budget with the January Assessment Notice. 

What will the jury have to say about wisdom when this is all done?


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