What Are the Costs of Suing Gus Philpott

What are the costs to the HOA for suing me? How much is the HOA prepared to spend?

The 2025 Approved Budget provides, in Line 6500 (Legal / Professional), the sum of $20,000 for the entire year. This is 33% higher than for 2024.

Last year's (2024) Legal Budget was $15,000. For the first 11 months (through 11/30/24), the pro-rata Budget was $13,750 ($15,000 X 11/12). 

The HOA spent $22,866.81 in the first 11 months, which was $9,116.81 ($22,866.81 - $13,750) over-budget. That's 66.3% over-budget. This is the sixth-largest variance, and it was not even reported in the Variances on Page 2 of the 11/30/24 Financial Operating Results. 

The Board should ask the Property Manager why that large variance was omitted from the monthly Fiinancial Operating Result.

The 12/31/24 Financial Operating Results will be available at the February 4, 2025 Board Meeting and may be posted sooner online. 

How much did Danny Trapp spend conferring with the lawyer for the Cease & Desist Letter sent to me on August 28, 2024? That cost is likely part of the $9,116.81 over-spending. 

The HOA paid legal fees of $4,640.78 in August; $2,510.60 in September. How much will the HOA pay in December and in January?

But the whopper, the Summons and Complaint, filed in court against me on December 30, 2024 will likely dwarf whatever has already been spent. That bill may show up as Paid in the January 2025 Financial Operating Results.

The HOA didn't have any "extra" money in 2024. The HOA started the year with a deficit budget of $27,799.97. (Note: Deficit budgets are prohibited in the PRM (Art. III, §C, ¶4(l)).

The 2025 Budget didn't start with a deficit, because the Finance Committee stripped down the expenses until they didn't exceed anticipated income. There is no "extra" money. 

Will the HOA stop spending on Legal (Line 6500), when it hits $20,000? When the HOA runs out of money for the lawyer, will the Court be asked to dismiss the case?

Or will the HOA use money from other Lines to keep spending your money trying to silence me?


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