11/12/2024 BOD Minutes - Dissected

What all is wrong with the November 12th Minutes of the BOD Meeting?

Aside from the omission of the names of two newly-elected directors who were seated at the beginning of the meeting, here goes.

There are many errors in the listing of Voting Members/Alternates Present.

Michael Edwards' first name is misspelled as Micheal;
There is no Barony neighborhood; it's Barony Place;
There is no Glen Knoll neighborhood; it's Glen Meadow. (Glen Meadow neighborhood has two Alternates but no Voting Member!);
Clynton Barzey's first name is misspelled as Clyton;
At the time of the board meeting LaToya Adams was no longer a Voting Member. She had been elected a director;
Mary Ann Game's last name is misspelled as Gane;

The list of "Voting Members/Alternates Present" may be the attendance list from the Annual Meeting of Voting Members, which had been scheduled to start at 6:00PM. Were all of these actually present at the BOD meeting?

The list names the representatives from 16 neighborhoods. A quorum of 15 (28 x 51%) was needed in order for the Annual Meeting of Voting Members to be convened. How many neighborhoods on that list were not represented by legitimate Voting Members (or Alternates)?

1. Abington
2. Chapelwood
3. Fawn Ridge
4. Founder's Ridge
5. Hunters Pond
6. Maywood
7. Pine Brook

And probably more, since neighborhoods have not been holding the required Annual Neighborhood Meetings.

By my math, 15-7=8. If all the other neighborhoods were represented by legitimate Voting Members (or Alternates), and they weren't, then there was no quorum (15) at the Annual Meeting of Voting Members. That meeting should not have been convened, and the election of directors should not have been held!

Who convened the Annual Meeting of Voting Members? I saw Danny Trapp in the hallway at 6:15PM. He was socializing with one of the RCSD deputies. Why wasn't he running the meeting? I was told that Brenda Bryant convened the meeting. Did she confirm a quorum of legitimate Voting Members?

Brenda was VP of the HOA last year. She should have confirmed that all the Voting Members or Alternates were legitimate, duly-elected representatives of their respective neighborhoods. "Duly-elected" means elected in compliance with the By-Laws of the HOA.

Are there Minutes of that Annual Meeting of Voting Members? Earlier this year the office told me that Minutes are not prepared for those meetings. They should be; it is the most-important meeting of the HOA; even more important than the meetings of the BOD.

Was a fraudulent election held?

Were homeowners allowed to vote who were not eligible electors from their neighborhoods?

Is it a legal problem for the HOA now that it does not have even one director who was duly-elected? 

And this just gets me to the bottom of Page 1 of four pages of Minutes.


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