New Officers (2) of the HOA

It looks like newly-elected board member LaToya Adams has been elected by the board as Treasurer of the HOA. Her name is now listed as the Chairperson of the Finance Committee.

To date, the office and board members have refused to reveal the names of the new officers of the board, who may have been elected in a private, closed, secret, Organizational Meeting of the board on November 15. 

That election should have been held in public at the open board meeting on November 12, but the boards of the HOA have not felt obligated to comply with the CC&Rs or By-Laws in this regard and many others.

Now to try to uncover the identities of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary before Tuesday night.

It's too bad that LaToya was not duly-elected, either as Treasurer or as a Board member (or even as a Voting Member before that). She might want to talk with her personal attorney about any personal liability or risk she has regarding any of those positions.

I continue to wonder what the legal ramifications could be to those who are acting as Voting Members, Directors, or Officers, but who have not been "duly-elected" to those positions. It surely seems to me that the HOA's attorney should be advising them on the importance of compliance with the By-Laws.

Brenda Bryant is the new Chairperson of the Contracts Committee, and I'm going to guess that she was elected President of the HOA. I hope she will be committed to complying with the By-Laws, especially the Section pertaining to legitimate election of Voting Members by Neighborhood Committees. There is one way, and one way only, to become a Voting Member, and that way is described in the By-Laws.

Hint to the board: "Annual", as in Annual Neighborhood Meetings, means yearly; i.e., every year. That has been very difficult for some board members to understand.

Second hint to the board: If a Voting Member was elected by a Neighborhood Committee 25 years ago and that Neighborhood never held another Neighborhood Meeting, that Voting Member is NOT still the Voting Member.

Becoming a Voting Member is not a lifetime appointment. Neighborhoods are to elect their Voting Member every year, in compliance with the By-Laws.

Patricia Pollin's name is still shown as Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Was she appointed by the new HOA President at the November 15th Organizational Meeting and approved by the board?

There should be Minutes of the Organizational Meeting. Call the office and ask when you can inspect them.

I still am unable to inform you who the Vice-President and Secretary are.


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