Legal Expenses and Accounting - What for?

The Approved Budget for 2024 (Line 6400) includes $5,000 for Accounting - Tax for the year. What is included in that category?

The cost of the 2023 Annual Audit should be in that amount. How much was estimated for that? $4,000? Isn't Becca Brendle, CPA, doing the 2023 Annual Audit? Where is it? It was due about 5/1/24.

In June 2024 the Board approved an external forensic audit by Becca Brendle, CPA for $3,500, and the Board approved an internal forensic audit by Lettitia Craps (not a CPA) for $4,800. Neither has been released to the Members yet.

It looks to me like there has already been $12,300 spent in accounting expenses (and tax, if any) for 2024, against a budgeted amount of $5,000. Where is the extra money coming from?

The Approved Budget for 2024 (Line 6500) includes $15,000 for Legal and Professional Fees for the year. What is included in that category, beyond legal fees?

As on 9/30/2024 the HOA has paid $20,062.14 for Legal and Professional Fees. How much of that was for legal fees? This category is $8,812.14 (78%) over-spent, YTD. Why isn't this category listed in the Variances on Page 1 of the September 2024 Financial Statement? Was the office directed to leave it off the Monthly Financial Statement?

Upon information and belief, the only board member permitted to contact the HOA's attorney is Danny Trapp, President. Why does the Board not designate at least two directors to be in contact? Did the Board ever, by Resolution, designate Danny to be the sole contact with the new lawyer?

How much did the Cease & Desist Letter sent to me, Gus Philpott, cost the HOA? Did the Board approve a Motion for Danny to gripe to the attorney about my emails to the board, the office, or a few Voting Members? Or to threaten me with legal action?

Were Danny and the HOA, through its attorney, attempting to intimidate me into silence? How did that work out for them?


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