Minutes of 11/12/24 Board Meeting Published

The Minutes of the November 12, 2024 board meeting have been published. I think the HOA set a record this month; less than two weeks.

To find them, go to the HOA's website. Hover over RESIDENTS. Click on DOCUMENTS. Click on Board of Director's Minutes. Click on the month you'd like to examine.

After noticing the three errors at the top of the page, I spotted the HUGE error in the listing of the directors who were present. 

At this point I wondered who in the world prepared the Minutes this month. Also, who approved them before they left the office. And, did any of the directors review them before they were published?

When the meeting was called to order, there were seven directors seated at the front tables. Only five names are listed in the Minutes as "Present".

The names of the newly-elected directors, LaToya Adams and Ciara Bates, were omitted!

Before the meeting began, board member Patricia Pollin, chair of the Nominating Committee,  announced that LaToya and Ciara had been elected and that Tanisha had been re-elected.

When the meeting began, Danny Trapp, President of the HOA, should have formally announced the result of the election. He also should have thanked Dennis Rybicki, who had served for 2½ years.

In the next article, I'll address what I know about the Voting Members' Annual Meeting that preceded the board meeting, and I'll comment further on the sad state of the Minutes of the board meeting.


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