Was Voting Member Meeting Legitimate?
Was last night's Annual Meeting of Voting Members legitimate?
Had all those "Voting Members" or "Alternates" been duly-elected in the past 12 months (or so) by their respective Neighborhoods?
Did each Neighborhood conduct a legitimate Neighborhood Meeting, with a quorum (one-third of the homeowners) present in-person or by proxy?
Did those homeowners elect a three-member Neighborhood Committee?
Did each three-member Neighborhood Committee elect a Chairman, who became the Neighborhood Representative (Voting Member) for the next 12 months?
Did the Neighborhood Committee provide the proper documentation to the office?
Did the Acting Secretary for last night's Voting Members' Annual Meeting inspect the validity of each attendee's eligibility to attend and vote?
Did the Presiding Officer last night deny entrance to all those so-called "Voting Members" who "got signatures" to become "Voting Members"? Was entrance denied to all those who claim Voting Member status but who haven't held Neighborhood Meetings for a long time?
If persons, who were not eligible and qualified to vote, were allowed to vote, then there was a fraudulent election. The three who were elected, including the incumbent who was re-elected, are NOT legitimate Directors of the HOA.
Are the Members (homeowners) of the HOA going to tolerate that?
Should a court action be commenced to force the HOA to comply with its own By-Laws?
I believe the HOA has one, and one only, legitimate Voting Member. Barony Place held a valid Neighborhood Meeting on May 4, 2024. She should have been the only Voting Member in the room last night. The Meeting should have been adjourned until such time as a quorum was present.
Why didn't the President, Danny Trapp, preside over the Annual Meeting of Voting Members? If he was late, he arrived shortly after the meeting began. I saw him there.
Was Tanisha Holmes ineligible to serve as Secretary because she was on the ballot. So long as she wasn't a vote counter, there should have been no problem.
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