Past Tax Years Still Open?

As you must be aware by now, the HOA's Board of Directors has refused to post the 2022 Annual Audit on the HOA's website. 

The annual Audits from 2001-2021 have all been posted. Why not the 2022 Annual Audit?

Members might be curious about this line in the 2021 Annual Audit (Page 6), under Income Taxes. "In 2020 and 2019 the Association's income from nonexempt income was subject to tax. There was no tax liability for 2021. Tax years 2019, 2020 and 2021 remain open with major tax jurisdictions." [emphasis added.]

Are those tax years still open? How much tax was owed? Paid? Any penalties? What about the 2022 Tax Year?

This withholding of the 2022 Annual Audit should be ringing all sorts of alarm bells for Members (homeowners) of the Association. Why wouldn't the Board post it?

I was offered a copy of it for a price - up to $265.00! The HOA wanted to charge me $125.00/hour for up to two hours to find it and redact "sensitive" information. Plus a $15.00 "document fee" to print it. The HOA's attorney subsequently told me the actual cost might be less than $50.00.

The 2021 Annual Audit and those of several other years I scanned do not contain any sensitive information. 

Does something here smell rotten to you?

If it does, complain to the board. (They will tell you to communicate to your Voting Member. Very likely, you too do not have a legitimate Voting Member.)


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