Will Barony Place vote at 11/14/23 HOA Election?

Will the Barony Place Neighborhood be able to cast votes for four directors at the November 14, 2023 HOA election?

Homeowners don't vote. Votes on behalf of homeowners are cast by the Voting Member (a/k/a Neighborhood Representative).

At this time, the 78 homeowners of Barony Place are not represented by a legitimate Voting Member. This is because Barony Place (I & II) has not held an Annual Neighborhood Meeting for more than five years.

The HOA's lawyer has told me (9/7/2023) that "The Board recognizes Billie Jones as the current Voting Member for Barony Place."

The attorney's words are correct. Note that she is not saying that Billie Jones is a legitimate Voting Member. She is saying only that the Board recognizes Billie as the current VM.

The Board must know that Barony Place has not had an Annual Neighborhood Meeting for more than five years. The Board must know the By-Laws. The Board is improperly recognizing Billie as the current VM. 

Has the attorney privately told the Board that it is failing to comply with the By-Laws and that Billie is not the current VM?

It is my guess that NONE of the 28 Neighborhoods in the Association has a legitimate Voting Member. Thus, there cannot be a quorum (15) of legitimate Voting Members on November 14. Thus, there should be no election of directors on November 14.

When the Annual Meeting of Voting Members is convened by Justin Martin, President of the HOA, what will he say about the presence of an eligible, legitimate quorum of Voting Members? 

Will he preside over a fraudulent election? Will he allow only legitimate Voting Members to be present and to vote? If he allows illegitimate Voting Members to vote, what should the consequences for him be?

Will this be a case of Classic Election Fraud?


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