September Minutes - - Dues Increase?

Read the Minutes of the September 5, 2023 secret Board meeting. They are online. Go to  Hover over RESIDENTS, then click on DOCUMENTS. Then click on Board of Director's Minutes, then click on September 2023.

Read carefully. I shall dissect the lies in several following articles.

But FIRST, read the Finance Committee report about the possibility of a dues increase.

At the Barony Place luncheon on September 14, I mentioned I had heard a rumor of a dues increase. I stressed it was a rumor. I had not read the Minutes of the September meeting yet. It's not a rumor!

The key sentence, for now, is "We do not want to, but fees may need to be raised ..."

That is one of the things the Board did not want to say in public at the September 2023 board meeting and a reason they fled into a Zoom meeting at the last minute.

They are about to stick it to you. More information in articles to follow.

There is a HOA election coming up, folks. 


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