Three Homeowners Needed

Are there three (3) homeowners in the Barony Place Neighborhood (Barony Place I and Barony Place II) who are willing to be on the Neighborhood Committee?

Of these three, one would become the Voting Member and two would be Alternates. A legitimate Voting Member is needed by the November 14, 2023 election of four directors. The sooner the better, because of the nominating process.

There are 78 homeowners in Barony Place. If you are willing to do a small part for the next year, let me know. Email   Do it now. Don't procrastinate.

I can get 4-5-6 homeowners to a Meeting, and I can get enough Proxies so that one-third of the 78 properties will be represented.

The result will be that, for the first time in five years (and maybe a lot longer), Barony Place will have a legitimate Neighborhood Representative/Voting Member.

It's not a lot of work, when the workload is shared. There are other ways for homeowners and residents to help.

If I could serve, I would. But, as a non-homeowner resident, I cannot.

Please let me know now if you are interested or if you might be interested. Or if you will recommend someone in our neighborhood. Email


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