Should the Board lie in Minutes?

Read the Board's reason for moving the September 5, 2023 Board meeting from the church to Zoom.

Go to the Minutes, found on the HOA's website.  Then hover over RESIDENTS, click on DOCUMENTS, click on Board of Director's Minutes, click on September 2023.

Scroll down to Page 5. 

It is no stretch of the imagination to think that the Minutes are FALSE. If this entry in the Minutes refers to my email to Barony Place neighbors and my encouragement that they attend the September 5th meeting and object to the board's prohibition on attendance by homeowners, it is FALSE to expect a "disruption".  

Are those the Justin Martin's words that "What happened at the last meeting is not how we conduct business"? Who is "we"?

No one was unsafe at the August board meeting. No one was expected to be unsafe at the September meeting. What did Justin expect? A "January 6th insurrection"?

In fact, if "the safety of everyone is our main objective", why did Justin leave the 12 homeowners who showed up at the church for the 6:30PM meeting unprotected?  Why didn't he have RCSD there (maybe a dozen deputies) to protect those who arrived, not knowing the meeting was closed to homeowners or that it had been moved to Zoom earlier that same day?

If Justin is referring to my email, there was NOTHING to indicate any disruption. Did he receive a message from anyone threatening disruption? I challenge him to produce it.

All the board meetings (pre-board and regular Open monthly board meetings) should be broadcast on Zoom and archived for later reviewing. Then everyone would know what is happening!


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